Case Study News


Summary of history of the paper - The Daily Mail is a British daily middle-market tabloid newspaper founded in 1896, published in London. As of 2020 it was the highest paid circulation newspaper in the UK.

The owners/trusts & funding model used -

Circulation figures -

Advertising costs -

Sales figures for last 5 years - 

Alternative revenue options - 

Online options: revenue -

Changes in last 10 years (distribution/price/format/technology) and effect on circulation & audiences -

Mission statement or principles - 

New values it priorities - 

Political bias (previously and now) - 

Ideologies conveyed (look through papers) - 

Reporting style - 

Which body it's regulated by -

Examples of any recent (last 5 years) complaints/breaches -


Demographics - Survey in 2014 recorded that the average reader was 59 years old, women make up the majority of the readers (59%). ABC1 most in C1. Majority live in the South East. Average savings are 39,000. 

Psychometrics (VALs) - Mainstreamers, Resigned and Succeeders.

Hobbies/interests - 

Issues they would be aware of - 

What they do with their disposable income - 

How they access media - 

Films/docs/magazines/music/sites they like -

Types of stories that would appeal to them -


Summary of history of the paper -

The owners/trusts & funding model used -

Circulation figures -

Advertising costs -

Sales figures for last 5 years - 

Alternative revenue options - 

Online options: revenue -

Changes in last 10 years (distribution/price/format/technology) and effect on circulation & audiences -

Mission statement or principles - 

New values it priorities - 

Political bias (previously and now) - 

Ideologies conveyed (look through papers) - 

Reporting style - 

Which body it's regulated by -

Examples of any recent (last 5 years) complaints/breaches -


Demographics - 50% female. Average age 55+. 75% ABC. 

Psychometrics (VALs) - Explorers, Reformers, Succeeders

Hobbies/interests - Interested in culture, travel and embrace technology and change.

Issues they would be aware of - 

What they do with their disposable income - 

How they access media - 

Films/docs/magazines/music/sites they like -

Types of stories that would appeal to them -

9th October 2023 

Daily Mail

Ownership - Daily mail is published by DMG Media which is a subsidiary of DMGT, the owner of DMGT is Viscount Rothermere also known as Jonathan Harmsworth has been in the family for over 100 years and he is the controlling shareholder. DMGT Media manages a multinational portfolio some being Daily Mail, The Mail on Sunday, Ireland on Sunday.

Funding and revenue - The main source of funding for the Daily Mail is circulation sales and advertising, Daily Mail own 25% of the market share, however something to keep in mind is that circulation figures have dropped but the company is still thriving. The colour display advert costs £181 per single column cm. They have also offset loses by increasing cover price by 10p (60p to 70p), closing of Didcot printing facilities to reduce the amount of production due to moving online and increasing profit from MailOnline brand.

Tech Developments - The daily mail is known to recognise and adapt to new technologies, MailOnline has grown lots online and with mobile readers 

New values and bias - 

Regulation - 

Analysis -

The Guardian

Ownership - 

Funding and revenue -

Tech Developments - 

New values and bias - 

Regulation - 

Masthead: Daily implying, fast, reliable 
Logo: Patriarchy reinforcing, shield and lions, relating with England
Plug: Treatment that banishes hay fever, daily mail podcast
Puff: None
Layout: 3 columns, 4 sectors, headline, story, another story, image.
Subheading: Younger audience news, uninteresting, explicit
Headline: 'We're' united readers, emotive language, contrasting background showing significance
Main image: Woman exposed, demonises her for being invited instead of the person inviting 
Minor images: Image for advertisement that makes it more appealing than just text
Byline: Martin Beckford
Font and colour: Mix of sans-serif and serif font, minimal colour on this specific piece, blue, purple.
Copy: 3 columns, one only being used, more image heavy and eye catching, 

multiple adverts, first thing at the top of the page is an advert followed by a box sized advert on the side, profit based.
masthead, mail online, instead of daily mail, lets you know its constantly updated instead of daily.
colour palette consists of blue, important news is red, and extra 'dont miss' news has a purple box above, multiple selection of news choices, pushing extra clicks on the 'dont miss' stories.
headline, main story about a birthday, celebrity news.
community, share on facebook and comments, retaining and fanbase.
features videos, more interactive news  
different news at the top of the website, depending what the viewer is interested in, accounts for many different audiences and their interests.

van zoonen - women are objectified - rebel wilson


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