
Friday 30th September Light's Camera Action Shot type Establishing shot - Used in opening scene or transition from scenes, introducing details. Master shot - Confirms the location of the scene and who's in the scene, captures the scene is its entirety. Wide shot - Establishing certain relationships using size/depth. Full shot - Composed head to toe, used to make statements, present a character Medium full shot - Confident dangerous confrontation, head to waist Medium shot - middle of the torso and ends at the head, not dramatic Medium close up - intimate, roughly head to chest Close up - Change of emotion Extreme close up - Isolating everything else but a specific area such as eyes, emphasis. Insert shot - Type of closeup on a object like a knife/ bullet shell on the floor, highlighting importance. Framing Single - Features one character alone in the frame, priory focus. Dirty single might be a shoulder of someone in the frame. Two shot - Both faces must be visib...